Sunday 10 February 2013

Blueberry Bundt Cakes

I bought some bundt cake tins a while ago and had not got round to using them. I felt like baking something nice on this very rainy day so decided to make some blueberry bundt cakes.
It took a while to perfect the mix and balance of flavours but I think they have come out great.
The first batch I made stuck to the bottom of the tin even though I had thoroughly greased and floured the tin. It was a bit disappointing but my daughters still managed to eat the stuck on bits with a spoon straight out of the tin!
When making the second batch I said a little prayer before putting them in the oven. Again they came out of the oven smelling really good and evenly risen. This time I decided I would allow them to cool in the tin before turning them out and they came out perfectly. So my tip is let them cool down first!!!

Makes 12 bundt cakes

120g/ 6oz blueberries
150g/5oz butter - softened
400g/14oz caster sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten
300g/10 oz plain flour -sifted
225ml/ 8floz buttermilk
1tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

juice of 1 lemon
100 g of icing sugar -sifted

Cream together the butter and sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs a little at time until they are incorporated into the mixture and then add the buttermilk and vanilla extract.

Fold in the flour and the bicarbonate of soda and then gently fold in the blueberries.

Pipe or spoon the batter into the prepared tins and bake in a preheated oven, 180 degrees centigrade/ gas mark 4 for 15 to 20 minutes until risen and golden brown.

Allow to cool in the tins before turning out onto a wire rack.
To make the icing blend the icing sugar with the lemon juice until you have a smooth but not too runny icing. You may need more or less icing sugar to get the right consistency.

Allow the cakes to cool completely before drizzling with the icing.

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