Tuesday 12 February 2013

Chloe and Lauren's Pancakes

It just has to be done - pancakes on pancake day. The girls had seen pancake mix in the shop and came home saying they wanted to make pancakes but why buy a pancake mix?

Makes 6-8 pancakes depending on size.

125g/4oz plain flour
pinch of salt
2 eggs, beaten
300ml/10floz milk
25g/1oz butter melted

Place the flour,salt,eggs, milk and melted butter in a bowl and beat well until you have a smooth batter.

Heat your pan until hot and put in a little knob of butter. When the butter is foaming, pour in just enough batter to thinly coat the base of the pan, tilting the pan around so that it is evenly coated with the batter.
Cook over a fairly high heat until the pancake looks set and the edges of the pancake begin to slightly curl. Turn the pancake over and cook the other side until the pancakes are flecked with brown.
Transfer to a warm plate and repeat again to cook your next pancake. Interleave your pancakes with greaseproof paper to prevent the pancakes sticking together.

We served our pancakes with berries and ice cream, nutella and ice cream but you can have them with whatever you like e.g. just with sugar and lemon.

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